Tuesday 3 April 2018


Im wondering if this space is of  value anymore. The infrequent visits I have made mean that now I am most likely talking to myself once again. Its a bit like returning to an old friend and now I have to re establish a conversation which is inclusive of the life I have lived but encompasses progression and planning for the future.Old friends are; hopefully more understanding than my keyboard is being to me right now. As I work in the dark and miss the keys , I backspace repeatedly trying to form words that are at least a little bit coherent. I have decided on some rules of engagement to enable this process to occur a little more freely and less haphazardly, well at least one, My first rule is to ensure that I turn on the light so that I can at least see where my fingers go on the key board. I was taught to touch type at school many years ago and although I have retained the basics if one cant see where your fingers are starting from then you have buckleys and none of typing a lucid and coherent word.

I am pleased to announce that I have turned on the lights. Of course this event will be short lived as I will probably want to turn them off to go to sleep. I do choose the most in opportune times to have a conversation with myself (may I add also about nothing) It may mearly be nothing but it does establish a rhythm about starting something. Perhaps I will return sooner rather than later to say something or yet again nothing. It is good to know that this is my space, a blank canvas on which to create and scribe, somewhere to return and talk amonst friends even if they are only shadows of my mind. I will liken this to Simon and Garfunkels - Hello darkness my old friend Ive come to talk to you again......-

but for this I will return

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